A little history.

I grew up in North Manchester, a small, conservative town in Indiana, surrounded by farm country. My dad owned a pharmacy and gift store, which felt like a second home and introduced me to western medicine early on, eventually leading me into a nursing career.

As a shy kid with frizzy red hair, I often felt like the odd one out. I was frequently "the other" in my friend circle—quiet, unknowingly queer, and always a bit on the outside. To cope, I learned to wear a mask, hiding behind a façade of perfection and people-pleasing. Over time, this left me feeling disconnected from my true self, even after coming out.

Eventually, the pressure became too much. I hit a breaking point and realized I was living a life that wasn't mine. Through deep inner work, guidance from amazing coaches, and tools I now use in my own practice, I began saying "Yes" to myself. I left behind a burned-out nursing career, a city I felt trapped in, and a marriage where I felt alone, choosing instead to live authentically in the woods, surrounded by my chosen family.

Today, my life is a practice of honoring my heart's desires, listening to my inner guidance, and doing the necessary work to create a life that feels aligned and empowered.

My personal belief:

I believe that the more of us who take care of ourselves, heal our hearts, the better our entire world will be. More and more of us are waking up to our personal truths and realigning ourselves with a life that we really want to live, building a world together that we really want to see and pass on to the next generation. I believe that by showing up for our true selves, we also create the capacity in the desire to show up for others in a bigger, more meaningful way. This is a beautiful effect that ripples through ourselves into our communities and beyond. Heal yourself, heal the world.

Be the change you seek


Be the change you seek .